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Dial-a-Ride is a door-to-door service for disabled people who can't use buses, trains or the Tube. It can be used for all sorts of journeys, making it easier to go shopping, visit friends and attend doctor's appointments.


All Dial-a-Ride journeys must be booked in advance. All services are free of charge.

Before you can make a booking, you must first become a member.


How does Dial-a-Ride work?


Dial-a-Ride is a membership service which you pre-book. You will usually be expected to travel with other passengers going in the same direction and may have your journey time extended by picking up or dropping off others on the way to your destination.


Dial-a-Ride is generally best for providing local trips, but longer journeys can often be arranged on request.


How much does Dial-a-Ride cost?


Since 1 January 2008 all Dial-a-Ride services have been free. Please note, the drivers are not allowed to accept tips.


Can I bring someone with me when travelling with Dial-a-Ride?


You can bring someone with you on Dial-a-Ride, as long as they are travelling to and from the same address as you. If you would like someone to accompany you on your journey, please let them know at the time of booking.


Please note that if space is limited this may not be possible. If it is essential for you to be accompanied, please inform your local depot, as special arrangements apply in such circumstances.


What help can Dial-a-Ride drivers provide?


Drivers can provide assistance to and from your door to the vehicle - for example to help you with shopping bags. However, the drivers are not expected to provide any assistance within the home, nor can they provide passengers with personal assistance such as helping you to get dressed before you go out.


If you need help over and above the help that they can offer, you should contact your local authority social services department.


How far can Dial-a-Ride take me?


Dial-a-Ride is generally best at providing short distance transport. You can travel for up to about five miles between pick up and destination. Longer distance travel can sometimes be arranged depending on available resources.


What are the opening times for the booking lines?


The booking lines are open between 09:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday for next day and advance bookings, afternoon only for advance bookings. From 06:00 to midnight seven days a week for on the day issues (cancellations, enquiries about a late vehicle etc) and same day bookings.


Contact details:



Phone: 0343 222 7777
Post: Dial-a-Ride, PO Box 68799, London, SE1P 4RD

Address: Progress House, 5 Mandela Way,

Telephone - 020 8423 6268

Email -

Registered Charity Number: 299525

Company Limited Number: 02215153

©2023 by Harrow MS Therapy Centre.

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